
A Short Film About Killing

A grim and moving account of the motiveless and botched murder of a taxi driver and the subsequent trial and execution of the killer.

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A SHORT FILM ABOUT KILLING tragically mixes the destinies of two odd and unsettling characters who wander the streets of Warsaw. It is a film about two deaths: one brutal, dealt in cold blood, and the other one equally brutal, but occurring in the majesty of law. The narrative is, in the end, an intelligent meditation on both the act of murder and the ordeal of capital punishment.
A dual prize (FIPRESCI and Jury) winner at Cannes, A SHORT FILM ABOUT KILLING expanded on a chapter of Kieślowski’s DECALOGUE series, based on the Ten Commandments. The film opened the door to an international career for the Polish director that included works such as LA DOUBLE VIE DE VÉRONIQUE and the TROIS COULEURS-trilogy.

Krzysztof Kieslowski, Poland, 1988, 84 min. Polish spoken, English subtitles. With Miroslaw Baka, Krzysztof Globisz, Jan Tesarz, Zbigniew Zapasiewicz, Barbara Dziekan.