11 Friese Fonteinen

The arrival of eleven fountains, made by eleven international top artists, in eleven Frisian cities creates humorous confrontations between an inspired art curator and the down-to-earth Frisian residents.

Please note that this film is in Dutch and Frisian, with Dutch subtitles.
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In the context of Leeuwarden Cultural Capital 2018, eleven fountains are being built by as many international top artists. The curator of the ambitious project is the celebrated Anne Tilroe. The documentary 11 FRIESE FOUNTAINS shows how Tilroe tries to make the Frisian population enthusiastic about the new and high-profile water art works. Autonomy of the artist and the taste of the audience do not seem to go together naturally. Is it possible for Anna Tilroe to create support among the population, or does the ambitious project end in the sobriety of the Frisian residents who see their beloved market square disappear? Comedian Jan Jaap van de Wal enters Friesland and as a true Frisian he provides his humorous commentary on the process.

Roel van Dalen, Netherlands, 2018, 85 min. Frisian spoken, Dutch subtitles. With Anna Tilroe, Jan Jaap van der Wal.