

Children from 2 to 6 years experience their first cinema visit in our cozy cinema. On Sunday morning, toddlers and preschoolers will experience Taartrovers Cinemini, a special program in which they experience film and can play in a beautiful light landscape.

Special: series
Time & Tickets

An adventurous and educational voyage of discovery
During Taartrovers Cinemini, we will show beautiful, heart-warming, exciting, enchanting, narrative and sometimes even challenging short films, specially selected for toddlers. After the films, the young adventurers can play together in an enchanting light landscape, consisting of various installations that let children discover in a playful way how light can conjure up magical stories. An exploration with shapes, projections, light and shadow, exploring the wonders of movement and colour.

Going to the movies for the first time, isn't that (way too) exciting?
Many children experience their first visit to the cinema with Taartrovers Cinemini in a way that suits them perfectly: the films are shown with dimmed lights, the sound is not too loud, the atmosphere is relaxed, the children can move and react to the films freely and afterwards the children process their experience with all their senses.

Practical info
30 minutes film & 30 minutes play

Language no problem
You can visit Cinemini even if you don't speak Dutch. Your little one can easily follow the films since there's little to no dialogue in the film.

About Taartrovers Cinemini
Taartrovers Cinemini is a project developed by Taartrovers and Eye Filmmuseum. The project has now been experienced every Sunday morning at Eye Filmmuseum in Amsterdam for several years and will also be experienced at our place from autumn 2023. Taartrovers Cinemini is made possible by a contribution from the Elisabeth Stroeven Fonds.

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