Auschwitz. Our Story + Introduction – English subtitled

Impressive documentary where six Holocaust survivors share their experiences of deportation to and life after Auschwitz. Screening in honor of International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Time & Tickets

It is hard to comprehend all that happened in the concentration camps of World War II. In the documentary AUSCHWITZ, OUR STORY six survivors of the holocaust tell their personal story. Max Hamburger, Thérèse Granek, Nelly Basch, Régine Beer, Bloeme Evers and Dov Nasch tell about their deportation to Auschwitz and the difficult return to life afterwards. The interviews focus on where survivors drew strength from and how they gave meaning to their lives after the war, despite their experiences of loss and trauma.

The occasion for the screening of this documentary is International Holocaust Remembrance Day. This memorial day was proclaimed by the United Nations in 2005 and has since been held annually on 27 January.

This documentary contains footage which some people may find distressing.

Before the screening, director Herman Teerhöfer will give an introduction (language: English). Over the last 13 years, he has interviewed 91 Auschwitz survivors aged 81 to 100 in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, the United Kingdom and Israel. He will provide insight into the interview process and the complex production process of his documentary. Afterwards, there will be an opportunity to ask him questions.


19.15 - Doors open
19.30 - Introduction
19.50 - Screening of documentary
20.30 - Discussion
21.00 - End

Herman Teerhöfer, Netherlands, 2023, 39 min. , English subtitles.