Une Histoire à Soi + Panel discussion

Following the screening of Une Histoire à Soi, a documentary on international adoption, a panel discussion (language: English) will take place. This event is organised in collaboration with the authors of the book Beyond Transnational Adoption, published in Dutch at the end of 2023.

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This book was written and compiled by researchers Atamhi Cawayu, Chiara Candaele and Sophie Withaeckx. Withaeckx is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy and the Center for Gender and Diversity at Maastricht University and will be the moderator of the discussion. Chiara Candaele is one of the speakers in the panel. In the panel discussion, the ideas and insights from the book will be linked to the documentary Une Histoire à Soi.

The panel consists of the following speakers:

  • Benny Vermeerbergen, founder of Binnenlandsgeadopteerd.be (Domestically Adopted) and staff member at the Afstammingscentrum

  • Dr. Chiara Candaele, historian and researcher at KNAW (Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen)

  • Dr. Pien Bos, anthropologist and researcher at the Universiteit voor Humanistiek

  • Yung Fierens, founder of CAFE (Critical Adoptees Front Europe)

  • Moderation: Sophie Withaeckx, Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy and the Center for Gender and Diversity at Maastricht University
7:15 PM Doors open
7:30 PM Short introduction
7:40 PM Start documentary
9:20 PM Start panel discussion
10:00 PM Expected ending time

Une Histoire À Soi - English subtitled

Documentary on international adoption in which five adoptees talk about what it was like to be separated from their parents and their country of origin as children.


Their names are Anne-Charlotte, Joohee, Céline, Niyongira and Mathieu. They are aged between 25 and 52 and come from Brazil, Sri Lanka, Rwanda, South Korea and Australia. These five people share one identity: that of adoptees. Separated from their families and countries of origin as children, they grew up in French families. Their life stories and archive footage take us into an intimate and political history of international adoption.

Amandine Gay, Belgium, France, 2021, 100 min. French spoken, English subtitles.